If you’re a fitness business owner who has recently created a website, you may be wondering how to write content for a landing page.

Or maybe you have a landing page on your fitness website, but you’re not happy with the copywriting on it.

This is usually the first page that new customers will see when they visit your site, so it’s crucial to make a good first impression if you want to turn those prospects into paying customers.

Let’s take a look at quick and easy tips on how you can write content that will help attract traffic and new customers.


What is a Landing Page?

First, let’s do a quick refresher on landing page basics.

Think about your domain name (what you type into the internet search bar to get to your website).

Unless you’re running a marketing campaign, THIS is your landing page.

As I mentioned above, this is often the first page that new customers will see.

And just like when meeting new people, people tend to develop a fast first impression when visiting a new site.

So, if you want to convert these visitors into leads or customers, you’ll need to make sure that your landing page can grab and hold their attention.


Why is a Landing Page Important?

Do you want to build an audience, promote your products or services, and sell to your target market?

That’s what a landing page can help you do.

But outside of the obvious benefit of sales, a landing page can also help you do the following:

  • Support credibility of your brand
  • Grow your email list
  • Gather information on website visitors (e.g., where are they clicking on the page?)
  • Compare metrics to goals
  • Showcase areas of improvement

Think of the parts of a landing page as the foundation of a building. These parts need to be strong, orderly, and easy-to-navigate.

The copywriting – the words on the page – is how you get people into the building.

So, how to write content for a landing page that’s going to grab and hold the attention of the people that matter?


How Do You Write Effective Content for a Landing Page?

A lot is riding on this one page.

How you well you convert visitors into customers depends largely on the quality of your content.

So, what makes for effective copywriting when it comes to a landing page?

Let’s cover some tips of how to write for your landing page.

If you haven’t already, I’d recommend reading my post on the parts of a landing page because this is going to refer directly to that layout.


1. Catchy Headlines

Your headline is the first text that people will see when they visit your landing page.

It needs to grab attention and make it clear what you’re offering.

In other words, catchy and right to the point.

For example, if you’re a personal trainer, the headline “Get in Shape with the Best Trainer in Town!” lets people know what you do and what they can expect from working with you.

If we look at my own travel fitness website, you’ll see that the headline clearly states what the reader can expect: information on how to stay fit while traveling.



2. Inform (But Don’t Write a Novel)

Your potential customers want to know exactly what they’re getting when they choose your product or service.

Include relevant information, but don’t overdo it.

I know you might want to include several pages of text, but people won’t read it.

You need to let them know what you’re selling in a few powerful sentences.

Generally, I try to sum up descriptions of my services into one sentence.


landing page section for products and services


3. Customer Testimonials

Yes, I know that you won’t be writing customer testimonials, but one thing you MUST do is proofread them.

Not all of your social proof needs to be perfect.

But for the testimonials you place on the landing page, I highly recommend proofreading them and making them grammatically correct.


social proof for a landing page


4. A (Persuasive) Human Element

Your copy should be able to persuade people to take the next step, whether it’s signing up for your mailing list or purchasing your product.

To do this, I’d recommend telling a story that resonates with your target audience.

On my B2B website, I tell a story about how fitness business owners (like yourself) tend to get overwhelmed with trying to do everything.

From playing accountant to human resources, I know that feeling because I’ve been there!

I don’t want my clients to feel that way That’s why I offer my services to them. I know it’ll remove the stress of content marketing allowing them to focus on what they enjoy doing.


5. Use Actions Words

It should be obvious that you need to use verbs for your call-to-action, but this one is easy to overlook.

When creating the CTA button for your landing page, use a two or three-word action phrase.

For example:

  • Book a Call
  • Get Started
  • Learn More
  • Stop Wasting Time
  • Make More Money


What Are Some Common Mistakes People Make When Writing Landing Page Content?

Here are a few of the most common mistakes that I’ve seen on fitness website landing pages:



People tend to overthink and overcomplicate writing a landing page. They want to include everything they possibly can, thinking that more is better.

However, this often has the opposite effect and ends up confusing people instead of convincing them.

When it comes to your landing page content, less is definitely more. Keep it simple and to the point.

If you want to express multiple points, consider using bullet points.

If you want to list every credential have, save that for the About page of your website.

Whenever you write copy for your landing page, ask yourself this question:

Think of your landing page as your elevator pitch. What can you reflect to your audience in 30 seconds that will get them interested?


Not Knowing Your Audience

If you don’t know your target audience, it’s going to be difficult to write effective content for your landing page.

I’d highly recommend doing a deep dive of your target market.

If you already have customers, then you have a head start.

Here are several factors to consider when you’re trying to figure out who you’re writing for:

  • Men or women?
  • Teens, middle-aged, or elderly?
  • Fitness goal?
  • Experience level?
  • People who are new to fitness or are actively working in the industry?
  • In need of a service or a product?

Most importantly, you MUST be able to answer these questions:

What is the biggest pain point of my target market?

What are you helping them with?

How are you making their lives better?

Once you have a good understanding of who they are, you can start tailoring your content specifically for them.


Talking Too Much About Features

Earlier, I talked about writing about the features and benefits of your product or service.

But if one of these things had to take precedence, it’s benefits – not features.

People want to know what’s in it for them, not what your product can do.

In general, customers don’t care about you and your product or service.

But they DO care about how that product or service can solve a problem or pain point.

If your product or service can improve their lives without a ton of effort on their part, they are sold.

For example, a personal trainer could write paragraph after paragraph about how they’re qualified and have the experience necessary to help someone get in shape.

Yeah, you and a thousand other trainers.

It would be more effective to focus on the benefit to the client. You can help them build muscle, feel like the epitome of masculinity, and get their significant other to not be able to take their hands off of them.

THAT is a benefit that client will listen to.

In short, focus a lot on benefits and less on features.


Not Having a CTA

Your call-to-action (CTA) is what you want people to do after they’ve read your content.

For example, if you’re selling a fitness program, your CTA might be something like “Sign up for my program today!” or “Download my free eBook!”

If you don’t have a CTA, then people will just leave your page without taking any action.

Make sure your CTA is clear, concise, and easy to find. It should be prominently featured on your page so that people can’t miss it.


How Do You Track the Success of Your Landing Pages?

You’ll want to check-in on how your landing page is doing with getting people on the page and following up with you.

This means you need to track how well the layout AND copywriting are performing.

I’d highly recommend hiring a fitness copywriter who specializes in landing pages to review your page.

They will be able to give you insight as to what is working and what could use some improvements, especially regarding the copy.

Another way to track the success of your landing pages is to use conversion tracking software.

This will help you to see how many people are converting from visitors to customers or clients.

Another way to track the success of your landing pages is to look at your bounce rate.

If people are coming to your page and then leaving immediately, that’s a sign that something might need to be improved.

Keep in mind that bounce rate isn’t always the most accurate, so take these numbers with a grain of salt.

You can also ask people who have signed up or purchased from you how they found out about your business.

This can help you to determine which marketing channels are the most effective for driving traffic to your landing pages.


How Often Should You Update Your Landing Page Content?

There’s no set answer to this question – it really depends on your business and what you’re offering.

If you’re constantly adding new products or services, then you’ll need to update your landing page content more frequently.

If your offerings are more static, then you can get away with updating your content less often.


Not Interested in Learning How to Write Content for a Landing Page?

Writing effective landing page content for your fitness website can be a daunting task, especially when you realize how much is riding on that first interaction with your website.

Is this something you’d rather not do because you don’t have the experience or interest?

If this isn’t a responsibility you want to take on, I can help you with your fitness website landing page!

I’ve written landing page copy for dozens of fitness businesses, helping them turn more curious viewers into long-time customers.

Let’s chat about how I can write content for your landing page!

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